Severs Disease: What is it and how to avoid it As the weather warms up and our kids are heading back into athletic season, its important to keep common overuse injuries in mind
What is Severs?: Severs is a common overuse injury effecting children generally between the ages of 8 and 14 years. It is thought to occur from an irritation of the growth plate in the heel
What causes Severs?:
Common activities such as running and jumping may irritate the growth plate during a period of time where this area is 'active' - meaning, where your child's growth plate is changing from cartilage to bone.
What symptoms does Severs cause?:
Severs can be quite debilitating and painful, and may prevent your child from doing the things they love such as sport, dancing, and running around. However, with treatment prognosis is quite good!! Generally, we see significant improvement in the condition between 2 weeks and 2 months. The key is identifying the signs early and coming in for treatment as soon as possible. What to look for:
Heel pain during physical exercise, especially activities that require running or jumping
Worsening of pain after exercise
Limping – often in the morning, or during or after sport
A tendency to tiptoe.
Once these symptoms are identified rest and treatment are the most effective approach but the BEST way to deal with Severs is to avoid it entirely: How to avoid it:
Wearing shoes and sneakers that fit well and have padded soles
Avoiding heavy or high-heeled shoes
Stretching your calves before and after activity and sports
A foot and ankle assessment
Weight management (if required) For more information head to: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/severs-disease