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Paediatric Osteopathy

Osteopaths often work with a variety of patient groups, and may undergo additional training to enhance their skills. Some Osteopaths may undertake courses and acquire additional knowledge in the practise of paediatric patient care.

At Keilor Health Centre, Dr. Steven Zarka is a skilled osteopath with incredible knowledge in caring for the paediatrics population, having undergone advanced osteopathic paediatric courses. An osteopath that practices paediatric patient care, like Dr. Zarka, may assist with, but is not limited to, the following patient groups:

  • Families seeking general check ups and guidance on normal growth and development

  • Babies after birth

  • Toddlers and children facing difficulties related to development, posture, and movement

  • Children requiring assistance following injury or surgery

  • Children with chronic conditions or other physical impairments

  • Families seeking advice on sleep patterns or disturbances.

Osteopaths who practice with the paediatric patient population such as Dr. Zarka, collaborate with families and other health professionals to promote the health and well being of children.

The process of osteopathic care involves thorough assessment to understand and diagnose before treatment. This process includes:

  • A detailed case history, including obstetric and birth history

  • Screening tests to evaluate developmental impediments and milestones, covering physical, orthopaedic, and functional aspects

  • Discussion of the proposed treatment plan, including the associated risks and benefits

Our Osteopaths create a tailored treatment plan, based on the child's individual needs. This may involve providing information, prescribing activities to support movement and functional skills, and offering gentle hands on therapy, including cranial biodynamic techniques.

When necessary, osteopaths will refer paediatric patients to medical practitioners, paediatricians, maternal and child health nurses, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, psychologists, and other professionals to meet the needs of babies, infants, children, and their families. Our osteopaths regularly receive referrals from other health professionals!

Keillor Osteopath Niddrie Osteopath Taylors Lakes Osteopath Sydenham Osteopath Hillshide Osteopath Osteopathy Massage 

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